Game of Thrones season 2 review

Nine days ago, I wrote my review of the first season of Game of Thrones. Now, I am ready to share my review of the second season. So, how did I like the second season?

I have got to say that I am watching Game of Thrones with mixed feelings. How come? While I was busy watching Game of Thrones season 2, I read all sorts of comments and heard fans say that the end of season 8 was terrible. And knowing that I have so many seasons and episodes left to watch, only to get to the end of season 8 in a while and knowing that the fans hated the way it all ended, that feels like crap. It is almost like watching a football match, cheering for a team, only to know the end result, and to make it worse, knowing that it is a bad end result... Now, that is why I mixed Game of Thrones season 2 with mixed feelings.

How did I like Game of Thrones season 2?

If I have to wrap up Game of Thrones season 2, it is quite similar to season 1. It is packed with long conversations, and with tiny portions of action. The ninth episode is the exception, but besides that, this is like a royal drama and a game between the different clans and people for the throne. But, this is normally only shown through conversations, and not through big battles and fights.

I have some favorite characters now in the series, and it does feel good to know that I have seen them in pictures from season 8, meaning that I know they are going to stay alive until then. But, I have got to say that at times I had a hard time keeping the concentration up. The number of sex scenes and nude scenes also increased a lot from season 1 till season 2, something I didn't appreciate.

The story itself is exciting and entertaining, and even though there are many characters, tribes, leaders, and locations, they have done a great job making it easy to understand and follow. They have done a great job portraying Geoffrey as a terrible and evil king, and I guess few people would cheer for him to win the Game of Thrones in the end.

The highlight of the season has got to be the battle in episodes nine. Not only because it finally brought some real action to the series, but also because it was a milestone from which the story can move on in an interesting way.

In other words, I wouldn't consider the second season to be a highlight, but it was interesting to follow the stories taking place at all the different locations. To be honest, I feel as if the story actually leans upon the acting wor of Peter Dinklage in his role as Tyrion Lannister. He is the smallest actor (as he is a dwarf), but he is the funniest and most interesting character in the entire series. If it wasn't for him, I am afraid I would have stopped watching some episodes ago.

- You can watch Game of Thrones season 2 on HBO Now. You can find more information on how to watch HBO Now abroad at

Now I am ready for Game of Thrones season 3

Hopefully, I will be able to watch the first episode of Game of Thrones season 3 tonight. I am not really sure what to expect, but I hope for more battles, more action, and some surprising alliances and more!


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