What Have They Done? - Bit Little Lies season 2 episode 1 review

What Have They Done is the title of the first episode in the second season of Big Little Lies on HBO. The title was one of the most popular arrivals in the TV show business in 2017, and even though the story was meant to end after season 1, people demanded a second season, and here we are in June 2019 served the first episode of the new season.

June 2019 has been a big month for TV show arrivals. Big Little Lies might be the most important of them all, while others might say that The Handmaid's Tale season 3 is the hottest arrival. My guess is that lots of fans of Big Little Lies also enjoy The Handmaid's Tale, which results in a fantastic month for those as they can enjoy new episodes of both the TV shows.

Big Little Lies text from Wikipedia

A What Have They Done review

The second season starts with a new school year. The mum takes their children back to school, but they quickly notice that rumors are spreading about them. They even hear from a person that the citizens relate to them as the Monterey Five, the five women who were there the night Perry died (was killed). Except from the five ladies, nobody actually knows what happened on that special night, but a few people might suspect that he Perry didn't just fall down those stairs.

The most special character sticking her nose into the matter is the mother of Perry. She arrives in the Big Little Lies season 2 episode 1, starring Meryl Streep. And let me tell you straight away, she gives the series a fresh breath of air and she is totally amazing in her role. She is not only funny, but she is annoying and maybe the worst mother in law you can think of... but, at the same time, she is helpful and helping Celeste (Nicole Kidman) taking care of her boy. But, the mother of Perry has a feeling that not everything happened the way everyone is telling her on the night of Perry's death. 

I must say, I enjoyed the first episode of the second season. I still have problems understanding where the story will end, but that just makes it even more interesting. Will there be a new plot in the second season? Will it all be about the Monterey Five trying to keep the facade up and make people forget about Perry and his death? Or will there come some other situation into the story to make it even more tasty and interesting?

I consider this to be a great start on the second season, and now I am looking forward to the next episode which will be released on June 16th.

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